Abstract submissions
Abstract submissions will open on 01 February 2023 & close on 30 April 2023
ISMS is a hybrid
meeting, both in-person and online / virtual oral presentations and posters
are accepted
All abstracts are to be submitted in English.
Presenting authors will be limited to delivering a single oral presentation.
Abstract requirements
(List of) author(s): Written as initial(s), followed by surname in capital letters, and authors should be separated by commas (e.g. P.J. POMPIES, A.K. SMITH...). Authors will be listed in this order in the conference’s presentation programme with the presenting author’s surname underlined.
Affiliation(s): Include authors’ institution, city and country.
Title: Should contain no more than 15 words, written in sentence case, followed by the presenting author’s e-mail (in a separate line).
Body: A clear, one-paragraph summary limited to 250 words. Include the purpose of the study, the methods used, the findings and their significance. Note that references and figures should not be included in abstracts. Avoid abbreviations, acronyms unless essential. Ethical approval for all research conducted must be confirmed - authors will have to confirm approval by clicking the appropriate box on the online submission form during abstract submission.
Abstract review
The following criteria will be used to evaluate submissions:
Adherence to all submission requirements including submission of abstracts on or prior to the cut-off date.
Clear and concise writing of abstract which emphasizes the rationale, including the clinical and/or educational significance of results.
Inclusion of all relevant results. Failure to present results in abstracts will exclude it from the review process.
Abstract Deadline
30 April 2023
Strictly those abstracts submitted on or prior to the cut-off date will be considered for review.